Übermilk Business Case Calculator: Does It Makes Sense for You?

1. Deconstruct your cappuccino

Espresso quantity
0,0 %
Milk quantity
0,0 %
Percentage of air in milk (foam consistency)

Latte Art



Thick foam

Milk foam (milk-air mixture)
0,0 Vol ml (cm³)
0,0 %
Cappuccino quantity
0,0 ml
0 %

2. Calculate your average VAT rate

VAT (in house)
VAT (out of house)
Sale: Percentage in house
0,0 %
Sale: Percentage out of house
0 %
0,0 %
Average VAT rate
0,0 %

3. Define your cappuccino selling price (gross and net)

Cappucino sale price (gross)
0,0 %
Average VAT rate (%)
0,0 %
Average VAT rate (€)
0,00 €
Selling price for cappuccino (net)
0,00 €
0 %

4. Composition of costs (cost of goods)

Milk 1 Liter (net)
Coffee 1 Kg (net)
Espresso shot (per drink)
Shot price
0,00 €
Percentage of the sale price for cappuccino (net)
0,0 %
Milk costs (per cappuccino)
0,00 €
Milk quantity
0 ml
0,0 %
Costs: coffee + milk
0,00 €
0,0 %
Cups, sugar, biscuits, water
0,0 %
Costs of materials (total)
0,00 €
0,0 %
Net income after/post costs of goods
0,00 €
Sale price for cappuccino (gross)
0,00 €
sale price for cappuccino (net)
0,00 €
0,0 %

5. Additional income due to speed, quality and consistency

Number of opening days

5 days

6 days

7 days

Consumption of milk (liter per day)
Number of milk drinks (per day)
Gross income (per day)
0,00 €
Sale price for cappuccino (gross)
0,00 €
Net income (per day)
0,00 €
Average VAT rate
0,0 %
Net income after/post cost of goods (per day)
0,00 €
Übermilk increase in sales due to speed, quality and consistency
Increase in sales (net) with Übermilk (per day)
0,00 €
Increase in sales (net) after/post costs of goods, with Übermilk (per day)
0,00 €
Additional income (net) after/post costs of goods, with Übermilk (per year)
0,00 €

6. Savings from reduced staffing needs

The Übermilk can improve employees’ efficiency, reducing the number of personnel needed on a shift. This is especially true if you find your café often needs a dedicated employee at the steam wand during peak times.
Reduction of personnel hours (per day)
Employers' hourly wage (per hourly presence)
Number of days (per year)
Savings (per year)
0,00 €

7. Ecological and economic benefits thanks to lowered milk consumption

Übermilk foams even small portions at latte art quality: always the correct portion size - neither too hot, cold, nor too much or not enough milk.
Consumption of milk (liter per day)
0 Liter
Milk costs (per liter)
0,00 €
Milk costs (per day)
0,00 €
Opening days (per year)
0 Tage
Milk costs (per year)
0,00 €
Saving potentials
Saving potentials
0,00 €

8. Your data






Opening days per year
Number of coffee specialties
Cappucino selling price (gross)
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €
0.0 %
Average VAT rate
0.0 %
Cappucino selling price (net)
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €
0 %
Milk quantity (in liters)
0,00 l
0,00 l
0,00 l
Costs of goods/costs of materials
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €
0.0 %
Income (net after/post costs of goods)
0,00 €
0,00 €
0,00 €
0.0 %





Potential increase in sales after/post costs of goods with ÜM
0,00 €
0,00 €
0.0 %
Potential increase in net sales with ÜM
0,00 €
0,00 €
0.0 %
Reduction of staff costs
0,00 €
0,00 €
Reducction of milk costs
0,00 €
0,00 €
Potential additional income (total)
0,00 €
0,00 €